If you are considering a Watermark  puppy, I am flattered. I know that you have done your research, and have learned that I work very hard to breed and raise pups that have superior temperaments, consistent good health, are genetically sound, athletic, intelligent, and tractable. I feel that I may have the best puppy rearing program in the country: I personally attend the birth of all my puppies, and my pups are handled and played with every day of their life. By the time you get a Watermark puppy, he or she has been exposed to all types of surfaces, noises, and sights. Your pup has been on a leash to walk, stand, and come.  Your pup has been for rides in the car and walks through the fields and woods. Your new pup has been on solid food , and been wormed and vaccinated appropriate for his or her age. Puppies have been groomed, and are familiar with being groomed, and have been taught to “stack” on a table.

Watermark  puppies are always a member of our family. By filling out this questionnaire, you are accepting the responsibility of lifelong care for your dog, and if, for any reason, you cannot keep your dog, your dog will come back to Deep Run Farm.

We feel our puppies are special, and want their new homes to be special. Our pups will need love and attention and training. Pups do not "settle down" as they get older, they must be taught correct behaviors and learn to be good citizens and members of the family. You must be willing to devote a substantial number of hours to caring for and training your new pup, or arrange to have the dog trained.

The following questionnaire will give you an idea of some things we consider important in determining which of our pups go to your home. There are no right or wrong answers. Many of the questions are intended to provoke you into thinking about how you will handle certain issues related to your pup. Others are to aid in your pup's selection from the litter.
Once we have received and reviewed your questionnaire, we will be in touch with you to discuss the choice of a litter, and puppy, that will be perfect for you.



Mail (13727 Blackwells Mill Road, Goldvein, VA 22720),

e-mail (deeprunfarm@gmail.com),

or fax (540-752-4775)

the filled-in questionnaire to Deep Run Farm.

Name _______________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________
City, State, Zip ___________________________________________________
E-mail ________________________________
Phones: Home ________________ Work __________________
Mobile _________________ Pager ______________________
Number of family members: _________
Ages of children ____________
How many family members are home during the day? _____
If no one, who wiII care for the young pup? ______________________
Where will the dog sleep? ___________________________________________
Do you own or rent? __________
How long at current address? __________
Is your yard fenced? _________
What kind of fence? ____________________
If you are planning an invisible fence, how will you contain the pup until it is old enough to use the invisible fence? ____________________________________________
Explain why you want a dog ___________________________________________
Who will be responsible for training the dog? ________________________
Do you plan to show the dog in breed, obedience, or other competitions? ___________

In what areas do you plan to exhibit your new dog? _________________________________________________

Will you use a professional handler? _________________________________________________


Are you aware of the coat care requirements for this breed?

Norwich Terriers will require regular grooming, either handstripping or clipping.__________________________


Do you plan to have your dog spayed or neutered? _____
What happened to your last dog? __________________________________________________
How many other pets do you have now? ____

 What kind are they, and how old? __________________________________________________
If your puppy swallowed a sock and the veterinarian told you it needed an operation that would cost $1200, what would you do? _____________________________


Who is your current veterinarian, include phone number + area code _____________
Have you used a crate to house train puppies before? ______
Have you trained or exhibited any dogs to achieve titles? If so, which titles? ____________________________________________________
What hobbies do you have? ____________________________________________________
How many hours a week do you plan to spend with your dog? ________
Are you planning to move in the next 5 years? ______
What will you do with your dog when you go on vacation? __________________
Are you prepared to make this commitment for the next 14 years? _________
Will you want your pup shipped to you? ____
What is the nearest LARGE airport to you? __________________
Will you want to buy a crate to ship your pup, or send one to us for shipping? _____

Are you interested in a Norwich Terrier _____?
Are you interested in a special
Watermark litter? If so, which one? __________________
Are you interested in a male _______or female_______ pup?

Please list your color preference, __________________________________________________

Is there anything else you would like to tell about yourself and family?


__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ After receiving your Questionnaire, we will contact you to determine the best pup for you. A non refundable deposit of $500 is required to hold your pup. We accept checks, Master Card, VISA, and cash. We will try to make the best selection of a pup from our litter for you, based on your responses to this questionnaire. If you have more you would like to tell us about your family, and what you are looking for, do not hesitate to include it with this questionnaire. Your puppy will be selected for you, based on the information we have. If you live close by, we encourage you to visit to meet a prospective puppy.

 Thank you for taking the time to respond to this questionnaire. I hope answering these questions has helped you understand some of the responsibilities of owning a dog. We deal with each of these issues on a daily basis, and would choose no other life. Our lives are richer, and fuller, for our association with our four legged friends. Yours will be, too.




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Deep Run Farm
13727 Blackwells Mill Road
Goldvein, VA 22720

(540) 752-4710/4888     FAX (540) 752-4775     deeprunfarm@gmail.com

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